Saturday 27 July 2013

Palm Oil: What Is It Used For?

Palm oil is actually a popular type of cooking oil. It is quite versatile and can be used for both cooking and deep frying. This is due to itl being quite stable at a high temperature and it has nutritional benefits. If it is so versatile, then where do people use it?
Let's take a quick glimpse at which foods can be made with palm oil. This kind of oil is used in the making of sweets or candy, chocolate, biscuits and even in the manufacturing of spices, amongst others. Palm oil is also a nutritious ingredient. When it is freshly extracted it has a high content of vitamin E, it contains vitamin A pigment and is a natural source of beta carotene. It also has a balance of mono saturated and saturated fats. Palm oil is a formidable cooking and frying oil and should not be underestimated. When it is used in the correct proportions, it has nutritional benefits. More foods that are made with this oil include certain ice-creams, crisps and milk.
Furthermore, this oil is more versatile than you might think. It is also used in many beauty products. Possibly due to its nutritional benefits, it is also used in the manufacturing of certain non-edible products. These beauty products include soaps, face creams, anti-aging creams and make-up. As mentioned earlier, freshly extracted palm oil contains vitamin E and vitamin A. Vitamin E has an antioxidant function and Vitamin A includes retinol. This type of oil contains two important vitamin substances that are sought after in beauty products because of their beneficial qualities.
If you think about it, at least one food item that you eat or used today could contain palm oil. Considering that, I think that it is quite important to know what you're eating, especially what ingredients are going into the foods that you consume. I must say that I'm relieved to know that palm oil has nutritional benefits for both the inside and the outside of my body; and that is not harmful to my health or skin.
You probably didn't think of palm oil in this way. That's why it is considered a versatile oil ingredient. It can be used as an edible ingredient in certain dessert food recipes and also as an agent in beauty products. It is a popular product and you may be using one of these items on a daily basis.
Our core focus at Golden Fry is to provide specially customized products and services to Restaurants, Take-Aways, Food Manufacturers, Caterers, Wholesalers, Supermarkets and Spaza Shops. We are an approved used oil collector.
Our Range includes: Palm Oil, Sunflower Oil, Soya Oil and Blended Oil.

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Make Tasty Meals Like You Know How To Cook

Cooking has been done for centuries, but if you want to do it right there are things you need to know. The following article will teach you the secrets behind what is involved in being a good cook. Take the tips you learn and start eating better immediately.
Cooking with skewers can provide very beneficial if you use them properly. Regarding metal skewers, square or twisted varieties are preferable to round ones, as the round ones do not hold food items as well as the other two types.
Do not add food to the oil until it is hot. Doing this will give you maximum flavor when your meal is finished cooking.
It's vital that you always use sharp knives when cooking. Dull knives don't get the job done, but in addition, are actually dangerous. Use a sharp knife and it will glide right through the items you wish to cut, without you having to put a great amount of force behind the blade.
Prolonged boiling of vegetables destroys many of the nutrients contained within them. To retain their nutritional value, saute or steam them. Better yet, eat them raw.
If you are having guests over for dinner, cook a meal you are confident making. Never experiment with a new ingredient or recipe in this situation. Cooking will be less stressful this way.
A lot of people cook with apples during fall and winter, but they will spoil rather quickly if you don't store them correctly. Warm, dry air can cause apples to rot, so keep your excess stock for cooking and eating in plastic bags, and place them where they will stay cool and moist, such as the basement or refrigerator. Be sure to remove any spoiled apples as soon as you spot them, or the entire batch will end up rotten.
Have you had difficulty in determining how long to grill your meat? The best way to cook meat consistently is to invest in a digital meat thermometer that gives accurate readings of the temperature inside the meat. Close the top of the grill to cook meat faster if you use meat that is more than 1.5 inches thick.
Sometimes, your burgers can stick onto the grill. This makes removing them extremely difficult or impossible without compromising their shape. To avoid this possibility, you can apply a light coat of vegetable oil to the grill before cooking.
Beans or tofu are excellent sources of protein that you may not have yet considered adding to your diet. These can be found at most grocery stores these days. A delicious alternative to meat is tofu pan fried with your favorite seasonings. Soak and cook the beans with herbs, seasonings, and bits of meat for a flavorful soup, burrito filling, dip or other protein-rich application.
Becoming a good cook takes research and practice. As with any other skill, it will come naturally for some people, while others will need more practice and advice. Thankfully, you now should have the tools discussed in this article at the ready to help you craft amazing food every time you cook!
Tracie William is a house wife, cooking is her passion and she loves to try new recipes... her latest blog is about How To Make Cake Pops

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Tips For Cooking Better Without Becoming A Professional Chef

Although many people claim that it's easy, learning to cook is actually quite difficult. This article will show you ways to make some great meals.
Invest in a knife sharpener to make cutting any ingredient simple. Dull knives are more dangerous to use and they are less productive as well. When your knife is dull, it can be easier for it to slip off the vegetable and end up cutting you instead. Keep your knives sharp for safety as well as convenience.
Apples don't have to be just for fall or winter cooking. With proper storage they can last for months. When exposed to dry, warm air, the apples will rot. To prevent this, apples should be stored in plastic bags and placed in the fridge or perhaps a basement. Make sure to check on them regularly, as one rotten apple means the rest are soon to follow.
Soaking raw potatoes for 30 minutes prior to frying will produce the crispiest French fries. Soaking the sliced potatoes in cold water strengthens the potato fibers so they will not break down so much when you fry them in the hot oil.
Quickly cooking vegetables allows them to retain much of their nutritional value. Taste and nutritional value suffer when vegetables are slow-cooked. A plus is that faster cooking methods usually yield vegetables which are, generally, simply better for you health. Discovering how to quickly cook veggies in a safe manner is an important step in preparing more nutritious vegetables.
These will work as a sponge and soak up the water. Instead of this, you should use a clean, wet cloth, and proceed to wipe the mushroom off by using your hands.
Garlic's only disadvantage is that it transfers smell onto your hands. By rubbing your hands inside a stainless sink after handling pungent smelling foods, not only will this remove the scent from your skin, but it will also prevent the juices from affecting the flavor of the next food you touch.
Make big portions when preparing stock. Make sure that you prepare a large amount of stock so that you will have more than enough to store and use for future kitchen adventures. Good chicken stock that you make at home makes a great starter for soups, casseroles, stews and other dishes. Let your stock come to room temperature before you freeze it.
Add the seasonings a little at a time throughout the cooking process. This way, you're giving the food most of the flavoring and are making the best from your ingredients.
Always seek out garlic that is fresh and firm. Freshness heightens the possibility that the garlic will be sweeter tasting. Indications that garlic is not fresh include bruising and soft skin.
With the helpful advice in the article above, you can start cooking better meals with more confidence and creativity. Using this advice to practice in the kitchen is all you need to do. With so many new ideas, you are sure to turn out delicious dishes that everyone will enjoy.
Tracie William is a house wife, cooking is her passion and she loves to try new recipes... her latest blog is about How To Make Cake Pops

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Cook Like A Superstar: Quick Tips For Improving Kitchen Performance

The time to eat is nearly everyone's favorite. Mealtime is better when the cook makes delicious meals. The following article will provide to cooks of any level to make meals that are even tastier.
Keep spices tucked away in cool, dry and dark areas. Storing them out in the light and heat will cause them to lose some of their shelf life. Keeping your spices in a cooler space with little light will enhance their flavor and shelf life. You'll taste the difference in your dishes.
You can even put it on things besides meat. It can be put on pumpkin seeds for a yummy snack, or even in scrambled eggs for a zesty breakfast. Everyone will beg you to let them in on the secret ingredient.
It's very frustrating to try to cook a tasty hamburger and see it deformed or ruined, because it gets stuck to your grill. Consider brushing the grill with vegetable oil before cooking to prevent food from sticking to the grill.
A great source of protein for your diet can be found in beans and tofu. Both are easily available to buy at almost every grocery store. Pan fried tofu, lightly sprinkled with your favorite seasonings, is a delicious substitute to meat. Soak and cook the beans with herbs, seasonings, and bits of meat for a flavorful soup, burrito filling, dip or other protein-rich application.
Pay attention to the cooking oil amounts when preparing meals! To lower some fat content in foods, always measure your oil when you are cooking, do not pour it from the bottle right in the pan. In this way, you can be in control of the quantity of oil that goes into your meals.
Make your own dried tomatoes. Start by slicing a ripe tomato one-half inch thick, or you can cut Roma tomatoes in half lengthwise. Take a cooling rack and place the tomatoes on it. Sprinkle them with salt. Heat your oven to 190 degrees and place the tomatoes inside for as long as ten hours. The tomatoes can then be placed in plastic bags and stored in the freezer. You can also pack dried tomatoes in a jar with some fresh herbs and olive oil. Keep it refrigerated and use it within two weeks.
If you are big on using spices and herbs, store them in a cool and dark place to preserve their flavor and freshness. When you keep them in cabinets or in warmer areas, they tend to lose flavor.
It will be very helpful to have all cooking supplies nicely organized. Supplies and staples kept in disarray will have you scrambling when trying to find a needed utensil or ingredient. Place the cooking supplies that are similar in one place. Keep pots in the same cupboard, for instance, or all spatulas in the same drawer.
When you sit down for a good meal, the feeling of bliss when you take a bite is unmistakable. These tips can have you cooking a meal in no time. Pretty much anyone can be great in the kitchen. By using some of the advice in this article, you will be excited and ready to try your hand at the kitchen arts!
Tracie William is a house wife, cooking is her passion and she loves to try new recipes...
Her latest blog is about How To Make Cake Pops

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Anyone Can Cook By Applying These Tips!

Anyone can cook! Are you able to purchase ingredients and follow recipe directions? Can you access basic equipment for cooking? If so, then there is no reason you should not cook! If you are looking to take your culinary skills a bit further, see the tips below for some advice of how to effortlessly make delicious dishes that you and your family will love.
You should store all herbs and spices in cool, dark places. Their flavors are weakened significantly by things like heat, light and humidity. Usually herbs and ground spices tend to stay fresh for about a year. Whole spices last longer, possibly as long as five years. If stored the right way, they keep fresh for a lot longer.
Prepare to cook before you actually start cooking. It is essential to have all prep work finished before it's time to begin cooking. Trying to prepare a meal without handling the preparation beforehand can get stressful, especially if you need to finish your cooking in a set amount of time. You can spare yourself a great deal of hassle by doing prep work in advance.
When you are going to cook, make certain all the knives are sharp. You are more likely to injure yourself using a dull knife. With a dull knife, you may have to struggle to cut a vegetable, making it more likely that you will get injured in the process. Using a sharp knife will make it easier to cut that vegetable, so you are less likely to get hurt.
You can reduce the fat and calorie content of regular mashed potatoes by substituting part of the potatoes with mashed cauliflower. This won't affect the taste but it adds a handful of nutrition. You will not taste the blandness of cauliflower, but notice a new interesting flavor instead. Cauliflower mixes easily with potatoes and will become hard to notice while reducing your intake of carbs.
Garlic is a tasty ingredient that has a flavor that can, unfortunately, transfer to your hands. If you have a stainless steel sink or other utensil, rub your hands over the inside of the sink to remove the smell. This works for onions as well. Rubbing your hands on the stainless steel, helps remove the odor from your hands, so that every other food you touch does not smell like garlic also.
When preparing chicken stock, it is best to make a large batch. Plan on preparing a large batch so that the excess can be frozen and used later. Homemade chicken stock makes a great base for casseroles, soups, stews, and many other wonderful dishes. Let your stock come to room temperature before you freeze it.
Cooking can be a helpful skill, a fun hobby, or even a profession. There are millions of ways to prepare food, and the best way to learn new cooking skills is to take advice from people who are good at what they do. So, the next time have control of your kitchen and a potentially fabulous meal, refer to these tips for some inspiration!
Tracie William is a house wife, cooking is her passion and she loves to try new recipes...her latest blog is about How To Make Cake Pops

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Avocado Oil Health Benefits Belong In Your Kitchen

The oil from an avocado is a naturally nutritious and all-purpose oil, and is really starting to catch on as a main-stream cooking oil. It is a little pricey, but when the avocado oil health benefits are weighed and considered, the cost of the stuff may actually be undervalued.
Of course, studies have proven time and time again that Green Gold is one of the healthiest plants growing on the planet. Avocados have been scientifically linked in a very positive way to human health, from its awesome effects in natural and organic skincare, to being cardio-vascular friendly and lowering cholesterol. So it's not a stretch to understand that the health benefits from using avocado oil in the kitchen would be plentiful and healthy, too.
avocado oil health benefits include a very healthy cooking oil
Oil of avocado has some amazing properties, but there are 3 that really stand out. First, the monounsaturated fats in the oil are a higher numerical percentage than olive oil! Plus, the oil is natural, loaded with anti-oxidants like vitamin e and omega 3, which have been shown to help the body ward off heart disease.
Second, oil of avocado is easy to cook with, because of its high smoking point (well over 500 F). So, you get your avocado oil health benefits as it adds to your cooking versatility, and is an awesome oil to use whether you're baking or roasting something up.
cook up some health benefits with avocado oil
The first two lead up to the third most amazing benefit... it tastes great! There is a little bit of waxy feel to the texture, but you can definitely whiff the fruit (at least according to the Mayo Clinic, avocado is a fruit). We love to roll taquitos in avocado oil, before popping them in the oven... sometimes, we don't even need guacamole to go with 'em! Like salad? Oil from the avocado pear is not only easy to cook with, but it makes a great salad oil, too. By the way, some diced walnuts, gorgonzola cheese crumbs and some dried cranberries go great with drizzles of oil of avocado. And if you like stir-fry, try avocado oil the next time you wok and light up your taste buds.
make avocado oil health benefits a part of your food budget
Don't let the price of this amber-green oil prevent you from enjoying its taste, versatility and awesome health benefits. The oil extraction process is time-consuming, done slowly and mechanically on a high-speed centrifuge that separates the pulp from the oil. This leaves the oil in a virgin state, keeping all the avocado oil health benefits intact. Unfortunately, this harvesting process drives up the cost. However, when you consider all of the healthy attributes of this multi-dimensional oil, it's probably paying for itself in ways that in the long run, justify the investment.
Thanks for reading. I enjoy writing on a wide range of interesting topics, and they're posted at

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How to Please Your Guests With Exotic Cuisine?

A saying rightly goes, "The road to the heart is through the stomach". Yes, the best way to please your guests is to make them awe-struck by your flattering and exotic servings of not only mouth-watering dishes but also by the way you present the dishes on the platter.
When it comes to playing host to a handful of the chosen and specially invited guests, there can be no better way to impress them than to prepare a delicious, nice-smelling and never-seen-before combination of exotic and simply superb items that are prepared with a personal touch!
You can prepare food at home or order from a reputed restaurant that is well-known for its unique quality and sophisticated presentation of dishes. Make sure you are able to mirror the tastes of your guests in the items prepared.
A few points to note here are:
i. Study the menu
Ensure that there are dishes that will perfectly match the composition of the group invited. If there are kids expected to attend your party, then allocate a certain space for their likes and include items like ice creams and rich, creamy desserts.
ii. Check with the restaurant if they offer fusion items
Instead of sticking on the old-fashioned items, you can include dishes that are innovative in taste and appearance. For example, you can order a menu that has the goodness of Oriental and Mediterranean tastes. This is just a clue about how to mingle different styles of cooking. You can create any number of combinations you want by using your creativity.
iii. In case you are organizing a lunch or dinner party, you can reserve tables in advance in the restaurant itself so that guests are treated well through hot and steaming dishes served straight from the BBQ.
iv. Generally, buffet-type of lunch or dinner parties are very popular among both the hosts and the guests because of the unlimited servings they can avail.
v. In the event of just a small get-together you plan to organize during a weekend, you can consider choosing any kind of combos that is offered. Usually, a drink is offered free of cost as a complimentary gift for bulk orders.
vi. You can also customize your menu by ordering a dish that is not offered in the normal course. Their expert chefs will be only too happy to fulfill your wishes earnestly.
On the whole, you can immensely please your guests by treating their taste buds to some fine dining experience in one of the best restaurants in your locality.
There are many reputed restaurants in almost every major town today that offers you a wide range of dishes to choose from. For example, there are exotic Oriental items included in the menu along with some traditional yet lip-smacking British food like grill chicken and omelets.

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Drink Specials Can Make Eating Out More Affordable

It doesn't matter where you go out to eat or escape to for some relaxation, don't forget to ask about the drink specials. These deals make it easy to keep you final bill down and also make it possible for you to enjoy more of your favorite beverages without breaking the bank. It doesn't matter if you prefer cocktails, shots, beers or any other type of alcoholic beverage, you should always know when your favorite places have drink specials going on.
Believe it or not, most restaurants and bars only offer these special discounts at certain times of the day or on special days. Depending on what their busiest times are, the drink specials may be going on at a time where you may find it a little challenging to get to the restaurant on a regular basis. That is why it is always a good idea to have a backup place you can go to in order to take advantage of the same kind of deals. If your favorite restaurants make beverages that have special names, you should ask the bartender what the ingredients are to those beverages. The reason for this is because unless the other places you go to are a part of the same chain, chances are your favorite cocktails are being sold under a different name. When you go to make a request for them, you don't want to confuse the bartender and end up with a concoction you don't like. Just mention the ingredients and there is a very good chance that they will know which cocktail you are referring to.
There is nothing wrong with only going out to eat just so you can enjoy the drink specials. With the way the economy is, you shouldn't have to give up your hard earned fun. Even though you may not be able to afford to eat out as often, with the special discounts being offered on the beverages, you should still be able to have a few rounds. If you find that your favorite beverages are still a little too high for you to purchase, don't be afraid to ask for a discount. You never know when some happy hours are going on concurrently and they can help to further reduce the cost of your beverages.
It doesn't matter what the occasion is or your reason for going out to have a few beverages. All that matters is that you find a place or two that you can go to and have a great time. You should be able get good prices on any dish or beverage that you order. Even if they aren't budget friendly the first few times you go, when you find out when their happy hours are, you will be able to make your future plans for those times. Remember, drink specials are the best way to enjoy as much as you want without spending a fortune.
If you're looking for some of the best drink specials Philadelphia, check out Drink Philly. To learn more head to:

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How to Quit Coffee and Other Addictions, a Personal Experience

Having conquered my bad eating habit and having lost thirty pounds in the process, I was feeling good about myself. However, at back of my mind I knew that I still had some addictions to face. My coffee drinking habit is one of them. It is an obsession and it sucks. I had all the signs of coffee dependency. I drank daily for twenty-one years. Every morning when I wake up at 5am, my body immediately signals for coffee. I was among the first to knock on Starbuck's door for a large cup. This cup follows me on my way to work and it keeps me company throughout early morning. By office break time, which comes at noon or 2 pm, I am rushing out for a second cup.
Coffee is often used to mask fatigue and ward off sleep. The problem is that without the expected prop up from it, people feel more fatigued. Soon it becomes a cycle of high and low energy engineered by coffee power.
So, what made me quit?
One Saturday morning, I wandered into a food store to buy groceries. The store has one of those free automated blood pressure measurement machines. I sipped down the rest of my coffee, sat down in front of the machine, rested my feet on the weight scale bar beneath and submitted my left upper arm to be squeezed. In less than a minute, my blood pressure, weight and pulse values were displayed on the screen: My Blood pressure and weight were normal but my pulse or heart beat was high. I blamed that on my chronic coffee drinking habits. Moreover, my coffee stained teeth weren't a comforting sight either. Now, I had enough reasons to give it up.
Coffee might not be nearly as addictive as alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or gambling, but shaking off any addiction must start with a resolution in the mind. We often forget the depth of human willpower. Learning how to develop a strong willpower that will help you combat your addictions takes patience and practice. Begin by taking responsibilities of the choices you make. Then continue to take control of your life and actions in a way that serves your need. No addiction is impervious to breakage. When the mind is made up, the body follows. When I made up my mind to stop drinking coffee, I did so completely and in total. I do not believe in the gradual reduction as preached by other experts in the field. I wanted my penance all at once.
The Hallmark of Addiction
The hallmark of craving is the revolting bodily response a subject goes into when they attempt to stop their addiction. Have you seen infants go through weaning from breast-feeding? They scream, they fuss and they go on hunger strikes. But they eventually give it up if the mother remains resolute. Anybody who attempts to quit any of their addictive habits suffers a similar fate. Bodily reactions upon withdrawal may include headache, nervousness, fatigue, and agitation, a feeling of abandonment, depression and even suicidal ideation. The more addicting the item is, the more violent the withdrawal symptoms are. My experiences were comparable to those of others who stopped.
The night came and the morning broke. Upon awakening, my body signaled for a large cup of Starbucks coffee. I ignored it. Twelve hours later a throbbing headache descended on me with vengeance. It pounded my head for hours. Nothing could stop it. 600 mg of Motrin was not making dent on it. The headache clutched my temporal and frontal scalp tightly. I held off. I was not going to give in. It was not until the third day that my headache began to subside. Fourteen days have gone by since I last tasted a cup of coffee. The headache is gone and my body has stopped craving. I still have the occasional urge, but the thirst is so feeble that I can quench it with the stomp of my foot. Another prominent aftermath of my withdrawal was a loss of focus, especially in the first week. I have since regained my focus and mental balance.
Replacing my early and late cups of coffee with bottles of water, as well as having breakfast at home, helped in my effort to quit.
Even though, coffee is marketed as an antioxidant, people hardly drink it because of that property. It's proclivity for addiction far outweighs its benefits as an antioxidant. I prefer to get my antioxidants from other non-addictive natural food sources such as vegetables, grains and fruits.
To read about how I quit all my bad food habits and how you too can do the same and regain your health, check out my latest book: How Broccoli Head Lost Thirty Pounds, A Handbook to Healthy Living.

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Food That Help Reduce Stress

Stress is a part of life, and there is nothing you can do about it. What you can do, is to handle the stress the best way you know how. Diet and nutrition is a huge part of it, and being healthy plays a major part in how stress is going to affect you. These foods provide nutrients like zinc, B vitamins and magnesium, which are awesome for stress. The benefits go beyond that of helping you cope with the stress, so do take note.
Diet alone will not be able to cut it. Read Ways to reduce stress to get other ways to handle stress better, such as getting enough rest, including exercise in your weekly routine and surrounding yourself with great and positive people.
So, without further delay, here are the foods that help reduce stress:
Celery - calms you down and reduces your stress.
Garlic - I love it when I cook. It is antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal, and not only does it improve your health immensely, stress is significantly reduced if you include garlic in your nutrition.
Brassicas vegetables- This is a family of them, my favorite being cauliflower and broccoli. This family of goodness also includes Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, collards, pak choi, horseradish, and mustard leaves, and what I love about them besides keeping stress away is their ability to discourage cancer cells from developing. Need I say more?
Licorice - sorts out the stress that is in your life, it will balance your blood sugar levels and keeps you energized.
Oily fish - a great reliever, rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Include mackerel, anchovies, salmon, trout, and sardines when you shop and eat fish at least 3 times a week.
Chamomile - if you want to get soothed, drink chamomile.
Chocolate - a woman's best friend. Just remember to keep it dark and keep it to a minimum.
Nuts - packed with good fats, they too have amazing vitamins and nutrients that benefit your health.
Olive oil is awesome for you. this is the only oil you should be using for your cooking and dressing requirements.
Berries - rich in antioxidants, they also balance out your sugar levels as well as clear toxins out of your body. In one word, they are awesome!
There is no doubt that the foods that we eat have a lot to do with what our bodies look like, our health and of course the stress levels that we can experience. Changing your diet will not only improve your help, but your stress levels will definitely reduce.
So, think about what you put in your mouth!
Visit and learn all about epic living and epic health!
I also write about other health topics such as How to get rid of dark underarms, hemorrhoids and self growth.

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