Saturday 27 July 2013

Tips For Cooking Better Without Becoming A Professional Chef

Although many people claim that it's easy, learning to cook is actually quite difficult. This article will show you ways to make some great meals.
Invest in a knife sharpener to make cutting any ingredient simple. Dull knives are more dangerous to use and they are less productive as well. When your knife is dull, it can be easier for it to slip off the vegetable and end up cutting you instead. Keep your knives sharp for safety as well as convenience.
Apples don't have to be just for fall or winter cooking. With proper storage they can last for months. When exposed to dry, warm air, the apples will rot. To prevent this, apples should be stored in plastic bags and placed in the fridge or perhaps a basement. Make sure to check on them regularly, as one rotten apple means the rest are soon to follow.
Soaking raw potatoes for 30 minutes prior to frying will produce the crispiest French fries. Soaking the sliced potatoes in cold water strengthens the potato fibers so they will not break down so much when you fry them in the hot oil.
Quickly cooking vegetables allows them to retain much of their nutritional value. Taste and nutritional value suffer when vegetables are slow-cooked. A plus is that faster cooking methods usually yield vegetables which are, generally, simply better for you health. Discovering how to quickly cook veggies in a safe manner is an important step in preparing more nutritious vegetables.
These will work as a sponge and soak up the water. Instead of this, you should use a clean, wet cloth, and proceed to wipe the mushroom off by using your hands.
Garlic's only disadvantage is that it transfers smell onto your hands. By rubbing your hands inside a stainless sink after handling pungent smelling foods, not only will this remove the scent from your skin, but it will also prevent the juices from affecting the flavor of the next food you touch.
Make big portions when preparing stock. Make sure that you prepare a large amount of stock so that you will have more than enough to store and use for future kitchen adventures. Good chicken stock that you make at home makes a great starter for soups, casseroles, stews and other dishes. Let your stock come to room temperature before you freeze it.
Add the seasonings a little at a time throughout the cooking process. This way, you're giving the food most of the flavoring and are making the best from your ingredients.
Always seek out garlic that is fresh and firm. Freshness heightens the possibility that the garlic will be sweeter tasting. Indications that garlic is not fresh include bruising and soft skin.
With the helpful advice in the article above, you can start cooking better meals with more confidence and creativity. Using this advice to practice in the kitchen is all you need to do. With so many new ideas, you are sure to turn out delicious dishes that everyone will enjoy.
Tracie William is a house wife, cooking is her passion and she loves to try new recipes... her latest blog is about How To Make Cake Pops

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