Saturday 27 July 2013

Avocado Oil Health Benefits Belong In Your Kitchen

The oil from an avocado is a naturally nutritious and all-purpose oil, and is really starting to catch on as a main-stream cooking oil. It is a little pricey, but when the avocado oil health benefits are weighed and considered, the cost of the stuff may actually be undervalued.
Of course, studies have proven time and time again that Green Gold is one of the healthiest plants growing on the planet. Avocados have been scientifically linked in a very positive way to human health, from its awesome effects in natural and organic skincare, to being cardio-vascular friendly and lowering cholesterol. So it's not a stretch to understand that the health benefits from using avocado oil in the kitchen would be plentiful and healthy, too.
avocado oil health benefits include a very healthy cooking oil
Oil of avocado has some amazing properties, but there are 3 that really stand out. First, the monounsaturated fats in the oil are a higher numerical percentage than olive oil! Plus, the oil is natural, loaded with anti-oxidants like vitamin e and omega 3, which have been shown to help the body ward off heart disease.
Second, oil of avocado is easy to cook with, because of its high smoking point (well over 500 F). So, you get your avocado oil health benefits as it adds to your cooking versatility, and is an awesome oil to use whether you're baking or roasting something up.
cook up some health benefits with avocado oil
The first two lead up to the third most amazing benefit... it tastes great! There is a little bit of waxy feel to the texture, but you can definitely whiff the fruit (at least according to the Mayo Clinic, avocado is a fruit). We love to roll taquitos in avocado oil, before popping them in the oven... sometimes, we don't even need guacamole to go with 'em! Like salad? Oil from the avocado pear is not only easy to cook with, but it makes a great salad oil, too. By the way, some diced walnuts, gorgonzola cheese crumbs and some dried cranberries go great with drizzles of oil of avocado. And if you like stir-fry, try avocado oil the next time you wok and light up your taste buds.
make avocado oil health benefits a part of your food budget
Don't let the price of this amber-green oil prevent you from enjoying its taste, versatility and awesome health benefits. The oil extraction process is time-consuming, done slowly and mechanically on a high-speed centrifuge that separates the pulp from the oil. This leaves the oil in a virgin state, keeping all the avocado oil health benefits intact. Unfortunately, this harvesting process drives up the cost. However, when you consider all of the healthy attributes of this multi-dimensional oil, it's probably paying for itself in ways that in the long run, justify the investment.
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