Monday 27 June 2016

Here's a whole bunch of new MyPlate handouts!

Hi Usman!

Have you seen the new MyPlate CPE Course yet? My team and I put a lot of time and energy into it and we couldn't be prouder of the result! As a special preview, I'd like to share some information about how MyPlate, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and the USDA are linked.

The post, MyPlate and Other Food Graphics, addresses the connection between MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It explores past editions of the guidelines, examining how they've changed over time to better meet the needs of health and nutrition educators. There's also a review of the link between the guidelines and the USDA, and a closer look at what role Congress plays in all this. As a grand finale, the most important details are summarized into a PDF handout.

For more information about MyPlate and a healthy eating pattern, don't miss the members-only post A Brief History of the MyPlate Food Graphic, which discusses the history of the USDA's food graphics, highlighting their changes and innovations and exploring exactly how MyPlate came into existence. It has lots of great information about nutrient adequacy, and I even whipped up a new printable handout to go with it!

I hope you like it!

Judy Doherty, PC II, AOS, BS
Chef, Publisher, and Founder
Food and Health Communications, Inc.

My team and I will personally respond to your questions or comments! Reach out to us by replying to this email or by calling 800-462-2352.

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