|  | Potato latkes make a great appetizer or party food. Traditionally a Hanukkah dish, of course, anyone can enjoy these savory treats during the holidays. And feel free to change things up a bit and use sweet potatoes instead of russets. | | Lower Fat Latkes Latkes may be a traditional Hanukkah dish, but they are perfect for any holiday occasion. Usually they are deep fried, but these lower-fat ones are baked instead.
| Tips for a Lower-Fat Hanukkah Oil is an important symbol of Hanukkah and features in many Hanukkah dishes. So I have some tips to help slim down some traditional recipes.
| 8 Lower-Fat Holiday Cookies While visions of sugarplums rarely dance in my head, I do have a thing for Christmas cookies. The trouble is, Christmas cookies are not exactly low fat. So here are 8 great low-fat or reduced-fat cookie recipes that let you have your um ... cookie and eat it!
| Favorite Low-Fat Brownies It was National Brownie Day on December 8th, but why restrict eating brownies to just one day? These lower-fat brownies can be enjoyed as a special treat more than once a year.
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