| It used to be buying a computer was either a big desktop thing or an expensive notebook thing. Now we have small desktop things, cheap-o notebook things, tablet-looking things (both expensive and affordable). Heck, even that smartphone of yours is more of a computer than we had not too long ago. | | An iPad is All You Need I bet for most folks reading this that an iPad Air would be all that's needed. It can send email, browse the web, visit all the social media sites you can handle, take pictures, shoot and edit movies, help you compose music and write a novel. There's also solitaire for when you are done with all of that. | What to Consider When Buying a Notebook If you aren't ready for the iPad plunge, maybe a good ol' notebook is what you are after. They're not too big and can handle most of the things you'll throw at it. | On Second Thought, Make it a Big Mac "No, not a tablet. A notebook computer? What are you, mad?" That was my friend Jan who didn't like any of my suggestions. So we went to the store and bought the biggest Mac made. The screen is so big that he's visibly tanner than he used to be. Or else he has rickets. | How Fast Does Your Computer Need to Be? There was a time when you turning on your computer took so long that you could go get a cup of coffee, make some toast, churn milk into butter, clean your gutters, write your will, go to the DMV and do your taxes. And that was just my morning! I need speed! | | | | Related Searches | | | | Featured Articles | | | | | | Sign up for more free newsletters on your favorite topics | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the About.com Today newsletter. If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click here. If you would like to unsubscribe from all newsletters sent from About.com, please send an email to optout@about.com with "Unsubscribe" as the subject line. About.com respects your privacy: Our Privacy Policy Contact Information: 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor New York, NY, 10036 © 2014 About.com | | | | | | Follow us on: | | | | Advertisement | |