Thursday 26 June 2014

7 Things I Learned from the Mediterranean Diet

Fresh Start Monday NewsletterChef Judy

Hello Usman!

I have exciting news! That Mediterranean presentation that I mentioned last week is done, and you can preview each and every slide in the whole show! Take a moment to read the post The Mediterranean Diet: 7 Things I Learned -- it's full of great ideas about the Mediterranean diet, along with strategies for helping clients implement the diet in their own lives. When I created this show, I learned a lot along the way! Check out the lessons and let me know what you think.

But wait, there's more! Looking for food safety tips for your clients? You're not alone. Cheryl Jones Syracuse, MS, has worked for over 30 years as a country educator in the the Cooperative Extension System. The most common theme to the questions she gets is -- you guessed it -- food safety. That's why she's put together a list of key food safety concepts. They're all in the post, Haven't Died, Yet, so check it out and send it on to your clients!

Of course, Cheryl doesn't stop there! She's also taken a closer look at chia seeds. Digging through the latest research and separating the truth from inflated claims can be hard work, but the result is a clearer understanding of another food fad. So, what did she discover? See for yourself in the post, Checking Out Chia.

And that's it for the week! Have a healthful weekend!

Judy Doherty, PC II
Chef, Publisher and Founder
Food and Health Communications, Inc

7 Things I Learned from the Mediterranean Diet

Haven't Died, Yet

The point of the new Mediterranean Diet Class PowerPoint and Handout Set was to present the research, show the ingredients, and provide a look at a few popular dishes, along with exploring everyday substitutions that people could make in order to shift to a healthful plant-based diet.

Creating this nutrition PowerPoint was an intense and wonderful experience, and I certainly learned a lot. Here’s my list of the 7 most important lessons that I took away from this project.

Haven't Died, Yet

Haven't Died, Yet

When it comes to food safety calls, most folks want to know if something that they had in their refrigerator, cupboard, or even the trunk of their car is still safe to eat. Frequently, my recommendation is to throw it out. I think most of the time the people knew that their food was not safe, but they really wanted confirmation from another person. After all, if they had thought it was safe in the first place, then why did they call?

Now I always wonder if those people really followed my recommendation to "toss it.”

Checking Out Chia

Are you staying on top of the latest developments in food and nutrition? I try to keep up with everything, but it can be hard. After all, the field is constantly evolving. Nevertheless, I do my best to keep an eye on scientific studies while keeping abreast of fads and trends.

So what has caught my eye lately?

Chia seeds.


Food and Health Communications, Inc
P.O. Box 271108 | Louisville, CO 80027
Phone: 800-462-2352

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