|  | November is National Alzheimer's Disease and Family Caregivers Month. There's even a presidential proclamation to prove it! So, take the opportunity to share an article about caregiving or the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease with others, or say something to your friends about how common Alzheimer's disease is, or help out the neighbor across the street who's caring for her mother by offering to bring dinner over. Your small steps to highlight this disease and support caregivers can make a difference. | | November is National Alzheimer's Disease & Family Caregivers Month Calling all caregivers (professional and family members)! Any chance you're willing to spread the word? It's easy. Just share this article on your facebook page or other social media. And, if you're wondering what good that does, remember that informed people can transform into caring and giving people. Those who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and all caregivers need that! ... Read more
| Considering a Nursing Home? Here are 8 Things NOT to Expect Want to know what's realistic and not realistic to expect from nursing home care? I've had loved ones in facilities and worked in the industry for twenty years, and I've never heard anyone say, "Oh, I hope I need lots of care and get to move into a nursing home!" However, on that note, here's #8: "Don't Expect that Your Loved One Will Hate It There for Sure." ...Read more
| Want to Encourage a Caregiver? Don't Say these10 Things In honor of Family Caregivers Month... If you're anything like me, you'll read through this list and cringe a couple of times, thinking, "I've said that before. I had no idea that wasn't a helpful thing to say." We mean well, we want to help, and we know caregiving must be a hard job. So, we take a stab at expressing these things. Sometimes, it comes out well and we can just tell our goal of offering encouragement was achieved. Other times, not so much...Read more
| My 10 Pet Peeves:What Not to Do to People with Dementia And, in honor National Alzheimer's Disease Month... Over the years, I've had the privilege to work with hundreds of people with Alzheimer's or another dementia. I've observed many well-meaning people who just aren't sure how to respond, or they wonder what to do when someone is confused and forgetful. Though their intentions are good, the results might not be. Here are my top 10 pet peeves of what not to do to those with Alzheimer's disease...Read more
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